i am a student of life + the body // a shifter of cultural paradigms. allowing my God-given intuition to guide me, i have spent years exploring vital health from a true holistic perspective. what started as a heart posture of curiosity to answer the initial question of “what does the body need in order to thrive?” unfolded into an expansive journey of realignment of the mind, body, and spirit. I slowly peeled back dogmatic + reductionist narratives surrounding the female body, nutrition, and metabolic function as I rediscovered the ancestral wisdom that everything is more interconnected than we could ever imagine. your body is telling a story – you are being invited to restore + reclaim the inner self that has been suppressed + abandoned. i believe feminine healing can most often be found in a state of being rather than doing, so remember that you have everything necessary within you – my resources are simply a practical tool to assist in your journey of rediscovering radical responsibility, alignment, wholeness, + vibrancy. immerse yourself in this journey by absorbing my podcast from the beginning or joining my private course community. 

supportive products that align with my values for life and wellness. discover my favorites for bioenergetic skincare + supplementation, expansion, motherhood, and more.


an intuitive exploration of ancestral nourishment, root cause healing, integrative family wellness and biological rhythms.


resources to guide you along your journey to healing + alignment. read the journal + immerse yourself in whole-body wisdom.


rewrite your body’s story